How to compose


Hi guys! Now I'm here to tell you about how to compose a song :)

So, yesterday a friend of mine, Aya, told me that she wanted to learn how to make a song, and I've promised to teach her how. So here are the steps :

1. Make songs if you really want to
If you're in a bad mood, or you have no taste to write music on the moment, don't compose, because you have to write music without pressure, without forces. You have to write it because you want to.

2. Write your song based on your feeling right now.

If you're unhappy, write a song with an unhappy tone. Why? Because it'll be very hard for you to write a happy song if you're feeling bad or angry, or upset. And it'll be shown in your composition. Let's take an example of Beethoven. He's a stiff, hard, and rock headed man. And mostly, the song he composed is full of anger, full of extreme expression and sadness.

3. Start deciding the theme
Theme is a very important thing to think about, because theme will help you to find the right rhythm and notes based on your feeling.

4. Write write write!!
1. if you want to write a sad song, use a slow and minor notes. I prefer to use B flat or E flat for that kind of song. For the left hand, use arpeggio.

2. If you want to write an angry song, I prefer to use F major that started with D minor chord. It should be fast and loud, with lots of staccatos and broken chords. Take an example of "Pirates of Caribbean" theme song. Use octaves for the left hand.

3. If you want to write a funny song, use any chords and basically use major chords for the left hand. March songs are mainly used for funny songs.

I think that's all I can help. and as for the title, that's your choice, but I prefer to think about the title after you finished composing.

Enjoy reading!
Amanda :)
