Amanda's interview

Guys, perhaps you wanna ask me about a few things so, here's a little ..... interview about me.

Where do you live?
I live in Magelang, Indonesia. It's a nice city, small, but it got an achievement from the governor for its beauty and cleanness. The people are friendly too.

What makes you love playing music?
At first, I don't even think I wanna be a musician. I just liked it, just for fun. But then, when I turned 12 or 13, I joined a small orchestra (called ensemble) and that inspired me to be a musician. I saw many kinds of musical instruments there, and I love it even more, like I'm the part of it.

So you started playing music when you were around 12?
No, I've started playing piano since I was 2,5, violin on 11, and guitar when I was 13. And I started composing when I was 5 or 6.

How do your teachers think about you?
Same opinion. "this child has a strong memory to remember songs quickly and in hearing." Yeah, I'm pretty good on that  side, but still, my reading skills is not good enough, so I'm trying to fix it.

How many songs have you composed?
More than 30. I'm too busy recently, that I haven't got my time to write songs. My favorite song that I write is "War" and "Chinese attack", I love the romantic songs I've made too, and I've created 3 or 4 jazz songs.

Besides playing music and composing, what kind of other things you like?
I love drawing, writing stories, typing, collecting things, hanging out, editing photos, and programming.

Who are your favorite musicians?
Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Emily Bear, Bond (string band), Vanessa Mae, Umi Garret, and my beloved little singer : Anna Graceman. They do inspired me. 

What are you going to be when you're grown up?
Composer for movie scores, music teacher, song writer, create a grand orchestra with me as the center (just like Vanessa Mae) ... Those are my main ambitions.

Do you have any other ambition outside music?
Someday I want to write my own autobiography in hoping that I could inspire people. And lately I've been thinking about working as a game developer. That would be so much fun!

I've heard that you're good in playing jazz. have you ever taken a jazz course?
Unfortunately, I never take any jazz course. I just happen to like jazz and learn it as an autodidact. Automatically, I got the jazzy feeling inside me. It's kinda hard to explain. Sometimes I find it easy and fun to turn children songs into simple jazz compositions.Jazz gives me some indescribable feeling about peace and joy.

What is your hope for your life?
To be someone better, someone inspiring. I hope I could live my life in music. I really want to make people understand how I see things in my own perspective by my music.
